Exporting And Printing Your Logo With Logo Design Studio Pro

Logos created in Logo Design Studio Pro can be exported in a variety of formats for use online or in print projects. To export your logo, select one of the Export options from the File menu (the round logo button at the top left of the main program window).The export options are described below.

Export Standard Format

Select this option to export your logo in a format that can either be used on the Web or in print.

Export your logo

The three-page Export dialog will appear. On the first page, select the format in which you wish to export your logo (PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, or WDP), then click the right arrow on the right edge of the dialog to move to the formatting page.

On the second page, select the option button in front of the formatting option you wish to apply to the exported logo. Select Dpi if you wish to define the resolution of the exported logo in dots per inch. The spin box default value of 300 is the standard resolution for most printers, but if you wish to use a different value, enter it in the numeric field or adjust the value with the spin box up or down arrows. (The standard resolution for Internet graphics is 72 dpi.)

  • Select Predefined Width and Height to export the logo in one of the pixel sizes in the dropdown list to the right of the option.
  • Select Custom Width and Height to export the logo in a custom pixel size defined using the spin boxes to the right of the option.
  • Select Percentage of Original Width and Height to export the logo in the percentage of its size on the logo canvas specified with the spin box at the right of the option.
  • Select Original Size if you wish to export the logo in the same size it appears on the design canvas.

After selecting your option and setting the appropriate value, click the right arrow to move to the third page, where you specify the location to export the file to and the name of the exported file.

Check the Default Location box to export to the program’s default location, or check Saved Location to export to where the program normally saves logo projects to. If you wish to export to a different location, click Browse to find the location you wish to export to. The pathname to whichever location to export to will be displayed in the field under the check boxes.

If you wish to use the logo project name for the exported logo, click the Original File Name checkbox; otherwise, enter the filename in the field below the checkbox.
Click Export to export the logo, or Cancel to abort the operation.

Export PDF

Select this option to export your logo in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF). You can print the logo from this format, attach it to an e-mail for others to review, or import the logo into a desktop publishing program.

The Save as PDF file dialog will appear. Use the options on the left or in the Save in: drop-down list to navigate to the folder where you wish to export the logo. Enter the name for the export file in the File name: field, then click Save.

Export EMF

Select this option to export your logo in Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF). EMF is a vector graphic format created by Microsoft as an enhanced version of its earlier Windows Metafile (WMF) format. Use this format if you are sending the logo to a professional graphic designer for further editing and he or she has requested a graphic image in this format.

The Save as EMF file dialog will appear. Use the options on the left or in the Save in: drop-down list to navigate to the folder where you wish to export the logo. Enter the name for the export file in the File name: field, then click Save.

Export SVG

Select this option to export your logo in Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) format. Use this format if you are sending the logo to a professional graphic designer for further editing and he or she has requested a graphic image in this format.

The Save as SVG file dialog will appear. Use the options on the left or in the Save in: drop-down list to navigate to the folder where you wish to export the logo. Enter the name for the export file in the File name: field, then click Save.

Export XPS

Select this option to export your logo in Microsoft’s XML Paper Specification (XPS) format. XPS files are electronic document format files that can be read on any Windows computer. Windows versions from Vista onward include an XPS reader, while previous supported versions can read this format with a free reader download from Microsoft. (The reader requires the .NET format first be installed on the Windows computer, however.)

The Save as XPS file dialog will appear. Use the options on the left or in the Save in: dropdown list to navigate to the folder where you wish to export the logo. Enter the name for the export file in the File name: field, then click Save.

Note: Don’t confuse the exported logo file with either the logo project file or the logo thumbnail file. When you save your logo, the program saves it in two formats: 1) a file with an *.ldsv ending (this is your logo project that you can change or modify at a later time), and 2) a file with an *.ldsg ending (this is a thumbnail picture of your logo that is generated so you can view your logo projects in a preview browser window). These saved files are not meant to be used in anything but the program.

Printing Your Logo

In addition to exporting your logo in formats that can be printed later, Logo Design Studio Pro lets you print your logo directly to any real or virtual printer connected to your computer.

To print your logo, click on the File menu (the round Logo button at the top left of the main program window) and click the Print option, or click the shortcut Print button directly to the right of the round Logo button.

The Print dialog will appear. Select the printer you wish to print your logo to, your print options, and then click Print.

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